Incidence pattern of major insect pests of long duration pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and their correlation with weather factors Prajapati Krishna Kant, Ramkumar*, Keval Ram1 Department of Entomology, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur-208 002, Uttar Pradesh, India 1Department of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221 005, Uttar Pradesh, India *Corresponding authors' E-mail :
Online published on 4 March, 2024. Abstract The incidence of Melanagromyza obtusa was observed in the 2nd SW, whose maggot population was highest in the 11th SW (8.07 maggots/plant). The presence of Clavigralla gibbosa was noticed for the first time in the 2nd SW, which reached its peak (6.13 bugs/plant) in the 12th SW. Gram pod borer (H. armigera) larva initially appeared in the 3rd SW, and the maximum in the 12th SW (4.40 larvae/plant). The plume moth (E. atomosa) larval first incidence in the 4th SW and maximum larval population was found in the 12th SW (2.20 larvae/plant). The highest and lowest temperatures had a significant positive association with all insect populations, whereas a significant negative association between all the insects with evening RH. The tur pod fly and plume moth population had a significant positive association with sunshine hours. Top Keywords Abiotic factor, Clavigralla gibbosa, Correlation, Exelastis atomosa, Helicoverpa armigera, Melanagromyza-obtusa, Pigeon pea. Top |