JIMS8I International Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technology
Jagan Institute Of Management Studies, Rohini
Print ISSN:
Online ISSN: 2347-7202
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December
Description: JIMS 8I – Infotech Journal known as IJICCT - International Journal of Information, Communication and Computing Technology is published since 2013. Two issues, January-June and July-December, are published every year. The goal of the journal is to provide a platform to the academicians, researchers, practitioners and thought-Gurus to share their knowledge and research in the field of computer science and its applications. The journal welcomes high quality original research papers, survey reports, as well as the discussion papers in the field of Information Technology. The editorial team tries to ensure that plagiarism is minimized by checking using latest software tools. However the final responsibility of the originality of the paper submitted lies with the Author(s). Technical Articles, Doctoral Abstracts and Book Reviews for the forthcoming issue are also solicited and we would appreciate if you could contribute the same. The papers/articles received for publication are sent for Double Blind Review process before they are accepted for publication. Indexed and Abstracted with - Indian Citation Index, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, I2OR, ESJI, DRJI
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