JIMS8I International Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technology
Year 2023, Volume-11, Issue-2 (July-December)
Online ISSN : 2347-7202 Table of contents The impact of employee consciousness on work life balance Ms. Jagrati Asija, Prof. Dr. Sumita Srivastava DOI:10.5958/2347-7202.2023.00005.1 Unveiling computer awareness: A case study of Undergraduate College of JK, UT. Agrima Malhotra, Arushi Malhotra DOI:10.5958/2347-7202.2023.00006.3 Introduction to virtual reality and augmented reality: Concepts, applications, implications and challenges Ms. Sushma Malik, Dr. Anamika Rana, Dr. Madhu Chauhan DOI:10.5958/2347-7202.2023.00007.5 “Studying how employee engagement affects job satisfaction, with a specific emphasis on the intermediary function of the labor relations climate” Dr. Isha Bhardwaj, Dr. Pradeep Bhardwaj DOI:10.5958/2347-7202.2023.00008.7 The role of smart tourism in India for optimizing visitor experiences through technology Dr. Naveen R Kumar, Mrs. R Pavithra, Dr. V Yuvaraj, Dr. T Muthu Kumar DOI:10.5958/2347-7202.2023.00009.9 Top |
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