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JIMS8I International Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technology
Year : 2024, Volume : 12, Issue : 1
First page : ( 702) Last page : ( 709)
Online ISSN : 2347-7202.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2347-7202.2024.00001.5

Web-based platform for real-time quality assurance of mangoes

Srinivas Dhishaa1,*, Kotian Khushi K1, Reddy M Siddartha1, Vamshi NR1, Dr. Khan Zafar Ali2

1B Tech Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Presidency University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

2HOD-CAI, ISR, ECM & CCE, DQAC Coordinator, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Presidency University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

*Email: dhishaas.off@gmail.com

Online published on 20 August, 2024.


With a focus on mangoes, this study presents a novel web-based platform for assessing fruit quality in real time. Given that mangoes are perishable, and that ripeness, maturity, color, and texture are important factors in determining their quality, the study presents a sophisticated system that combines multiple sensing technologies into an easily navigable web interface. The platform provides a thorough and detailed evaluation of mango quality by utilizing cutting-edge image processing algorithms, color detection techniques, light transmittance analysis, ethylene gas sensing, Brix value measurement, and ultrasonic resonance modules. Mango images can be uploaded with ease by users, including farmers, distributors, and quality control staff. Instant feedback on classification, color metrics, internal features, and overall quality is provided. The website makes it easier to monitor in real time, provides thorough quality reports for every batch of mangoes, supports precision farming methods, and guarantees that customers will receive premium-quality fruits. With the help of web-based technologies, fruit quality assurance can now seamlessly integrate multiple sensing techniques, increasing accuracy and efficiency in the agricultural supply chain. This research represents a significant advancement in this regard.



Mango quality assessment, Web-based platform, Real-time monitoring, Image processing, Color detection, Light transmittance analysis, Ethylene gas sensing, Brix value measurement, Ultrasonic resonance, Precision farming.


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