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Guidelines to the Contributors

Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, the official publication of the Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture, is an international journal for the publication of records of original research on all aspects of ornamental horticulture. The Journal published quarterly, normally includes three types of articles i.e. Reviews (invited / contributed); Research Paper and Short Communication. The publication is generally open to the members of the Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture. The manuscript (two hard and a soft copy on CD) should be submitted for publication to Chief Editor, Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture c/o Division of Floriculture & Landscaping, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012. Each manuscript must be typed in double space on one side of a A4 Size paper (MS word, limes New Roman, font 12 size) Manuscript should be thoroughly revised before submission.for clarity, brevity and conciseness in form, style, punctuation spelling and use of English language. The Review paper(not exceeding 16 typed pages} should be a comprehensive, critical account of a recent topic of importance and should include updated information. Research papers (upto 12 typed pages) should preferably pertain to work carried out during the last five years. Short Communications (2-4 pages) should be a record of some significant research finding, new record / technology. The paper should be structured to include a short title, followed by Author (s) name(s} and Affiliation, Abstract (A concise summary of maximum 200 words); Key words (maximum five); Introduction (a short introduction of the crop and the research problem followed by a brief review of literature); Materials and Methods (materials used in the experimentation, site and period of experimentation and methods employed for collection and analysis of data, and for experiments); Results and Discussion (focusing on the fulfillment of stated objectives as given in introduction; statistically analysed data presented in the form of tables / figures / photographs. Results in form of trends, rather than numerical value should be discussed in the light of available literature. At the end, a short conclusion must be given); Acknowledgements (wherever applicable) and References (cited in the text in the form of Anon., 2000; Swarup, 1974; Halevy and Mayak, 1981; use et al. in case of more than two authors, and a, b, c, ... following the year to distinguish between two or more paper by the same authors in the same year). At the end of the text, the reference should be given in the following form:.

Halevy, A.H. and S. Mayak, 1981. Senescence and post harvest physiology of cut flowers. Horticultural Reviews, 3: 59-142.

Panse, v.G. and P.v. Sukhatme, 1969. Statistical Methods for Agricultural Workers (2nd Edn.). ICAR, New Delhi, p 381.

Reid, M.S. and M.J.Wu, 1991. Ethylene in flower development and senescence. In: The Plant Hormone Ethylene (eds. A.K. Mattoo and J.C. Suttle), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. (For Indian Publishers, country name not to be indicated).

Leonhardt, K.W. 1977. Chromosome numbers and crops compatibility in the genus Cymbidium and some related tropical genera (Orchidaceae). Unpublished PhD. Thesis. University of Hawaii, Hawaii, United States of America, (For Indian universities, country name not to be indicated).

Sambandhamurthy, S. and K. Appavu, 1980. Effect of the chemical on colouring of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) Proc. of National Seminar on Production Technology for Commercial Flower Crops, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, pp 73-75.

In case of Reviews and Short Communications, the main text is not to have subheadings of Introduction; Materials & Methods and Results and Discussion. Generic and specific, as well as vernacular names should be italicized. All measurements should be in metric units. Figures / line drawings should be drawn on good tracing paper in black Indian ink and in a size which permits its reduction without loss of details. All tables and text figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals in order of their reference. Captions and legends for all illustrations should be typed on a separate sheet of paper. Photographs (to be charged to the authors at costs as applicable) should be of high contrast on glossy paper. Photograph number and title of the article with authors name should be mentioned on the back of each photograph.

All manuscripts submitted for publication, are understood to be offered, exclusively for publication in Journal of Ornamental Horticulture. It is also understood that the authors have obtained prior approval of the competent authority, wherever such approval is necessary.

Acceptance of a manuscript for publication in Journal of Ornamental Horticulture shall automatically mean transfer of copyright to the Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture. The Editorial Board assumes no responsibility for the statements, opinion or facts expressed in the journal, which rests entirely with the author(s} there of. Mention of a chemical or a commercial or proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation for its use.

Manuscripts received are acknowledged and a reference number allotted, which must be quoted while making any future enquiry about its status. All articles submitted for publication are peer reviewed for its suitability for the Journal. The reviewed articles with comments / observations are sent to the corresponding author for revision, who is expected to resubmit the manuscript (two hard copies + soft copy on CD) duly revised to the Chief Editor. The revised manuscripts must be thoroughly checked for mistakes, if any, and must strictly conform to the Journal format.

The corresponding author should mention his / her present address with telephone / Fax number and Email 10 for effective communication.

No reprints of the published articles are supplied to the authors.

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