Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Plant Spacing on Seed Yield in Pansy (Viola Tricolor L.) CV. Swiss Giant Kaur Rupinder, Kumar Ramesh Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141 004 Abstract Response of pansy (Viola tricolor L.) ev. “Swiss Giant” Jo varying levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and plant spacing was studied at Ludhiana conditions. N and P application increased plant height, spread, flower and capsule number per plant which finally contributed in increasing the seed yield. The widest spacing (30 × 30 cm) gave consistently higher seed yield per plant while closest spacing (20 × 20 cm) gave highest seed yield/m2. Application of 30g N and 20g P2O5/m2 appeared to be optimum for pansy seed crop. Top Keywords Pansy, nutrition, spacing, seed yield. Top | |
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