Journal of Progressive Agriculture
Year 2023, Volume-14, Issue-1 (April)
Print ISSN : 2229-4244
Online ISSN : 2278-0556 Table of contents Fpo: A boon for Indian Farmers Anchal Gupta, Babita Kumar Analysis of the trend of literacy in Rajasthan Ramswroop Ola, Deepa Mordia Body weight of Sonadi and Khari sheep maintained in minor breeding tract of Sonadi sheep Shyam Singh Lakhawat Cluster analysis in newly developed bt cotton hybrids (G. hirsutum) Vijay Prakash, Govind Suthar Population dynamics of shoot and fruit borer, Earia vittella Fabricius on okra Ankit Kumar, Rudra Pratap Singh, Manoj Kumar Sharma Importance of supplementation of yeast in the dairy animals-a Review Kuladip Prakash Shinde, Seema Chawla, Bhupender Singh, Harjindra Singh, Babloo Sharma Effect of iron, molybdenum and Rhizobium on biological properties of soil in summer groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Divya Gaur, Aishwarya Maheta, N. J. Jadav, Shruti Gaur A review on the problem of incompleteness in sample surveys Shilpa Yadav, Pankaj Nagar Evaluation of brinjal germplasm against sclerotinia blight caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Pavnesh Kumar Singh, Rudra Pratap Singh A review about adoption of Moringa oleifera by rural women in context to five parameters of “Diffusion of innovations” theory Seema Chawla, Kuladip Prakash Shinde, D. S. Bhati, Chanderbhan Studies on the effect of pruning severity and growth retardants on flowering, flower quality and yield of Rosa damascena Raghvendra Porwal, Dharmendra Singh Bhati Response of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] to foliar application of nano nitrogen fertilizer (nano urea) Dayanand, Rashid Khan, Subhash Chandra, Rajendra Nagar, Raghunandan Singh Khatana, Vimal Nagar Study of relative growth rate in sonadi and cross bred sheep under field conditions Shyam Singh Lakhawa Modules proposed for farm record keeping: A way to enhance farmer's income Abhishek Kumar Sah, Basavaprabhu Jirli Stress management skills for better performance Priyamwada Bhati, Dharmendra Singh Bhati, Yamini Singh Bhati Top |