Editorial Board
Dr. Sr. Pearl,
Sophia Girls College (Autonomous),
Ajmer, Rajasthan, India;
Email: principalsgcajmer@gmail.com
Editor in Chief
Dr. Monika Kannan,
Dept. of Geography,
Sophia Girls’ College (Autonomous),
Mirshahli, Jaipur Road, Ajmer, India;
Email: kannanmonika@gmail.com
Ms. Madhumita Hussain,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Geography,
Email: maheer.hussain@gmail.com
Advisory Committee
Prof. B.L. Sukhwal,
University of Michigan,
Email: sukhwal@uwplatt.edu
Prof. R.B. Singh,
Delhi School of Economics,
New Delhi, India;
Email: rbsgeo@hotmail.com
Prof. P.S. Tiwari,
Chennai University,
Tamil Nadu, India;
Email: tiwarisunilps@gmail.com
Prof. Sudesh Nangia,
National Coordinator,
UGC-Faculty Recharge Programme in Basic Sciences,
New Delhi, India;
Email: nangia42@hotmail.com
Prof. Y.G Joshi,
Professor Emeritus,
Vikram University,
Ujjain, India;
Email: ygjoshi15@yahoo.co.in
Prof. Santosh Shukla,
Sagar Central University,
Madhya Pradesh, India;
Email: sshukla.sgr@gmail.com
Prof. Kalpana Markandey,
Osmania University,
Hyderabad, India;
Email: kalpanamarkandey@yahoo.com
Prof. Rolee Kanchan,
Baroda University,
Gujrat, India;
Email: roleekanchan@gmail.com
Prof. Lakshmi Shivaramakrishnan,
Jadavpur University,
Kolkatta, India;
Email: lakshmi.sivaramakrishnan@jadavpuruniversity.in
Prof. Atiqoor Rehman,
Jamia Milia Islamia,
New Delhi, India;
Email: ateeqgeog@yahoo.co.in
Dr. Anil Kumar,
Head, PSRD,
Scientist/Engineer ‘SG’,
Dehradun, India;
Email: anil@iirs.gov.in
Dr. Shailesh Chaure,
Govt. Holkar Science College,
Indore (Autonomous),
Email: chauresk@gmail.com
Dr. Hema Yadav,
National Institute of Agriculture Management,
Email: yadav.hema@gmail.com