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Progressive Agriculture
Year 2022, Volume-22, Issue-1 (February)
Print ISSN : 0972-6152
Online ISSN : 0976-4615

Table of contents

Research/Review Papers

In-vitro effect evaluation of plant leaf extracts against Fusarium oxysporum F. sp. cicerica using wilt in chickpea through food poison technique in district Meerut (UP)
Vikram D. Singh, Shyam Singh, Mohd Ajaz, Dhirendra Singh

Evaluation of seed germination pattern of Hippophae rhamnoides L. in different conditions
Smriti Kukshal, Sarika Maheshwari, Naresh Pratap Singh, Vaishali, Bijendra Singh

Frequency, spectrum and phenotyping of radiation induced morphological mutants in lentil (Lens culinaris med.)

Induced mutations in lentil (Lens culinaris medik.)

Study the effect of nitrogen and spacing on growth parameters of marigold
Himanshu Kumar, J. Kumar, G.R. Kishor, Pavitra Dev

Genetic variability studies in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) in arid western rajasthan
Mahipal Jat, Santosh Choudhary

The effect of pinching on growth and yield of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) cv. snowball
Mohammad Almas Amiri, Satya Prakash, Bhim Singh, Vipin Kumar, Bijendra Singh, Khursheed Alam

Role and impact of nav ratna nominees by our prime minister mr. narendra modi in promoting the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
Ragini Mishra

Role of women in saving waste water techniques at domestic level
Ragini Mishra

Stomatal behaviour of four potato cultivars under repeated water stress conditions
Subhash Kumar, Devendra Kumar, Everest Shiwach, Sandeep Kumar, Suman Verma, Pramod Kumar

On farm testing (OFT) on assessment of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.) cv. pusa chandni cultivation for yield and economics in Meerut district
Virendra Pal, Vipin Kumar, Mukesh Kumar

Studies on correlation and path coefficient analysis for quantitative characters in pumpkin (cucurbita moschata L.)
Rajat Rajput, Satya Prakash, Khursheed Alam, Muzeev Ahmad, Vipin Kumar, Vibhu Pandey, Satyarath Sonkar, Vikas Patel, Rajat Singh

Studies on variability, heritability, genetic advance in radish (raphanus sativus L.) for root yield and quality traits under mid-hills of Uttarakhand
R. Jakhwal, G. Goswami, S.C Pant, V. Kumar, P. Bahuguna, S. Verma

Study of genetic divergence in tomato (solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes
Taru Dumi, Vipin Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Archi Gupta

Precision farming in vegetable crops: A review
Vipin Kumar, Sudhanshu Singh, Bijendra Singh

Studies on biological aspects of complexes of transition metal (copper) with active sulphur donor ligand-thiazole
Moni Verma, Mukti Verma, Pramod Kumar

Effects of 24 hours pretreatment of seeds with different oncentrations of managanese on the growth of cucumismelo cultivar Punjab hybrid seedling in dark
Suman Chauhan


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