Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)- Recent biotechnological advances to enhance salt tolerant traits Sharma Neha*, Kumar Amit, Chaudhary Reshu Department of Biotechnology, Keral Verma Subharti College of Science, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut *Corresponding Author Email- nehasharma4406@gmail.com Online published on 20 December, 2022. Abstract Suitable management technologies to offset adverse effects of abiotic stresses like water logging, salinity and drought have been developed. Soil fertility is abiotic stress for which integrated plant nutrient-management system has been evolved to enhance pigeonpea productivity in pigeonpea-based cropping systems. Effective procurement, attractive minimum support price coupled with enhanced productivity would promote pigeonpea cultivation in green revolution tracts. Top Keywords Pulses, Pigeon pea, Salt stress, QTL, Salt tolerant. Top | | |
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