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Submission policy and Instruction to the Authors:

Submission Policy

Before submitting the manuscript for consideration for publication in the Plant Disease Research Journal please read the Guidelines for the authors.

The author(s) should follow the instructions strictly and submit the manuscript as per guidelines.

The manuscript not submitted in proper format of the journal will be rejected.

Guidelines for Submissions

Detailed Guidelines For The Submissions:

Research Article

The title should be short, specific and informative. It should include the name(s) of author(s), affiliation (Full name of institution/ university/ department with PIN Code, e-mail of the corresponding author. Author names should be without any titles/ professional affiliations (Mr/Ms/ Dr/ Prof, etc.). Authors are advised to consult the recent issue of the Journal for following these points carefully and may contact Editor-in-Chief over e-mail for any other specific query. Title of the manuscript is written in running and authors’ names are to be in uppercase capitals, with corresponding author clearly indicated.

Abstract Should not be more than 200 words and should reflect the crux of research findings; avoiding introduction to the topic. Keywords (four to eight) must be given; include only words which are not present in the title and these should appear just below the abstract.

Introduction Must be brief and limited to the problem or the aim and scope of the research. It has to be without any title heading. In this part, relevant information comprising of one to few sentences on general introduction, followed by the importance of the research problem and objectives concisely should be mentioned. Only relevant and recent references are to be cited herein. In the last few sentences, the reason for undertaking the present study and its scope should be written.

Materials and Methods Must include detailed methodology, technique(s), experimental design, and statistical methods used along with the year of experimentation. Generally, more than five years old data is not considered. The authors should provide the location of the work preferably with GPS data along with experimental details like treatments, doses, replications, plot size, crop variety, season, spacing etc.

Results and Discussion Should be under one heading. The data may be represented in the form of tables, charts, graphics, line drawings, or pictorial presentation. Self-explanatory tables should be typed on separate sheets; tables should fit in the normal page layout. Recent and relevant literature should be discussed critically. All figures including drawings, graphs, and diagrams should be formatted preferably in MS Word. Images must be of high quality (minimum 300 dpi resolution), in .jpeg or .tiff format. Repetition of the same data in graphic and tabular matter needs to be avoided.

Acknowledgements May recognise the funding agency or support received from any sector.


These should be arranged in alphabetical order in the following format:

1. Research Paper: Kumari N, Patel P B and Sharma P N (2019). Screening of capsicum exotic and indigenous lines for resistance against Pepper mild mottle virus. Plant Disease Research 34: 143-147.

2. Book Chapter: Suslow F V (1982). Role of root colonizing bacteria in plant growth. In: Phytopathogenic Prokaryotes (Eds. Mount M S and Lacy G H) Academic Press, London, pp. 187-223.

3. Book: Tuite J (1969). Plant Pathological Methods: Fungi & Bacteria. Burgess Publishing Company, 239 pp.

4. Proceedings: Gupta O P, Singh B P and Gupta A K (1981). Effect of pre and post-harvest application of chemicals on the storage behaviour of kinnow mandarin. Presented at the symposium on “Recent Advances in Fruit Development”. Held at PAU, Ludhiana (Abst.)

6. Thesis: Aurtha C K (1998). Management of tomato leaf curl virus through the control of white fly vector, Bemisia tabaci Genn. by entomopathogenic fungi. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 226pp.

7. Newsletter: Smith J K (2006, December). New developments in plant disease management. Plant Pathology Newsletter, 15, 7-9.

8. Websites (e.g., FAO): FAO (2023). Crop and livestock products retrieved from https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/qcl

The authors are required to verify that the included references are cited in the text and that those that are cited are listed alphabetically in the REFERENCES Section. References from the recent five-year period should be at least 25% of all references. Authors must take enough care to follow spacing, full-stop, colon, semi-colon, comma, etc., strictly as per journal format.

Short Communication

Authors are to follow the above instructions in toto, except that such communication will have no headings like Materials and Methods and Results and Discussion but these are to be provided in separate paragraphs. In all other aspects, the format is the same as the Research Article.

Review Article

Except for Materials and Methods/ Results and Discussion (no such headings will be there) these are the same as mentioned above. Authors to peruse the Review Articles published in the recent issue of the journal for strict adherence. Reviews must comply with the prerequisites of plagiarism check and a check report to be appended along with the submission.

Authors should observe high standards with respect to publication ethics including authorship. Any case of ethical misconduct is treated very seriously. All work submitted to Plant Disease Research should be novel, rigorous, and substantial, and the editors may make plagiarism checks at any time after submission. Articles not adhering to the set guidelines are liable to be rejected. Authors may contact the Editor-in-Chief for any queries/grievances etc., at the e-mail- insopp1984@gmail.com

Guidelines For Authors

Type of Manuscripts

Research Paper: Original research papers concerned with various fields of Plant Pathology viz. Mycology, Bacteriology, Virology, Nematology, Etiology & Plant Disease Diagnosis, Plant Disease Epidemiology, Plant Disease Management and related fields on basic and applied aspects are considered for publication. Generally there is no word limit for research articles, but the manuscript should be as concise as possible due to space limitations.

Short Communication:  Short communications containing research findings that are novel and important are considered. In such communications abstract, key words, sub titles should be omitted. It should include an introductory part, followed by paragraphs on materials & methods and results & discussion. The text should not be divided into subheads like Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion etc. (word count: less than 2000).

Review Paper: The Editorial Board considers/solicits review papers from renowned Plant Pathologists who have significantly contributed in their respective field of specialization, for publication in the journal (word count: 4000 to 8000).

Opinion Paper: The opinion papers depicting the authors’ opinion and insights stressing a new and unique view point on existing problems, fundamental concepts or prevalent notions are also published (word count: 2000 to 4000).

All the research articles/ short communications should be original, indicate period (years) of experimentation, ideally not more than 5 years old. Those with one year data in a field trial/ other experiments with limited data (in the form of a research communication) can also be considered by the Journal, subject to discretion of the Editorial Board.

The reviews, research articles, and short communications should be computer- typed (Times New Roman, font 12), double spaced throughout on A-4 size, portrait, all around 1 margins, in MS Word not more than 30, 20 and 7 typed pages including tables and figures, respectively. This page limit is only indicative, and subject to discretion of the Editorial Board. British spellings should be followed. The author(s) should strictly adhere to the journal format - ABSTRACT, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, separate “Conclusions” NOT allowed. Submissions are accepted through online submission system (https://insopp.org.in/) or over official e-mail (insopp1984@gmail.com).

Post submission: Author(s) receive confirmatory e-mail from the society acknowledging the receipt of paper with allotted MS number which shall be mentioned in further communications. After peer-review, all queries/corrections raised by the reviewers should be addressed in compliance with the journal’s format and returned back promptly within 15 days. If not adhered to this timeline, the editorial board may reject the manuscript and depending upon the quality of the paper, it may be considered as NEW SUBMISSION for the next issue. After editorial process, galley proof as PDFs with date of receipt and acceptance are sent to authors for proof reading. Authors must pursue such updates and respond promptly. The final version of manuscript will be published having DOI No. and ISSN No. The Editorial Board, INSOPP does not own any responsibility for the contents of manuscript published in Plant Disease Research. The author(s) shall be responsible for the experimental results and conflict of interest, if any.

After acceptance of the manuscript, it is mandatory for the author(s) to become member of the society (Annual/Life). The annual membership and life membership fees for Indian residents are Rs. 1000/- per member and Rs. 10,000/- per member, respectively.  For foreign nationals, the annual membership and life membership fees are 150$ per member and 1500$- per member, respectively.

Details For Taking membership:

Annual Membership: Rs. 1000/- for Indian nationals or US $150 for foreigners

Life Membership: Rs.10000/- for Indian nationals or US $1500 for foreigners

Online payment/NEFT:  SBI Account No. 10088207589 (IFSC code: SBIN0001482), PAU branch Ludhiana

Offline payment: By Demand Draft In favour of Treasurer, Indian Society of Plant Pathologists payable at Ludhiana- 141004.

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