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Author Guidelines

The Progressive Horticulture is a peer reviewed Journal published half-yearly since 1969 by Indian Society of Horticultural Research & Development (ISHRD). Original contributions covering every aspect of fundamental and applied research relating to various disciplines of horticultural crops (fruit, vegetable, ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic plants, spices, condiments and tuber/plantation crops), post harvest management, biotechnology, diversification, policy issues, trade, market, case studies related to horticultural field are considered for publication. It may contain review articles summarizing the existing state of knowledge in horticultural research only as invitation papers. Thesis research, book reviews, notifications, events, etc. can also be submitted for publication. The manuscript of reviews, research articles and short communications should not exceed 15, 8 and 4 typed pages including tables and illustrations, respectively. Preference will be given to the thesis research publications in each issue. One copy of the manuscript and illustrations should be prepared. The manuscript should preferably pertain to the research work carried out during the last five years. The scientific norms and ethics should be followed while preparing the manuscripts. The manuscript submitted for publication in Progressive Horticulture, it will assumed that manuscript has not been submitted, accepted, under consideration for publication or published elsewhere, or otherwise rejected. Necessary permission has been obtained from the competent authority for publication and due credit has been given to all concerned. As per policy of the journal authors should be member of the society. No printed reprints will be supplied to the authors. Acceptance/ publication of article in Progressive Horticulture shall transfer the copy right to the ISHRD. The editorial board takes no responsibility for the facts or views/opinion expressed in the journal which rests entirely with author(s) thereof.


The text should be typed in double space on one side of A4 size bond paper (21 x 29 cm) with 3 cm margin on all sides and in clear and concise English. The format for original research articles and short communications will be the same except that the latter require no headed sections. TITLE: The title of the article and authors name should be bold and in Sentence case, with full address of each author in running and email address of corresponding author. Any change of address should be given as a foot note. ABSTRACT: The abstract should not exceed 200 words in full paper and 50 words in short communication. It should be an informative digest of significant contents and conclusions. It should be suitable for indexing and abstracting. KEY WORDS: Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords in alphabetic order. Repetition of words used in the title should be avoided. INTRODUCTION: The introductory part should be brief and to the point. It contain aim & importance of research work and pertinent updated review of literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The materials and methods should include important materials used, place and period of work and details of experimental techniques employed including statistical techniques. When the methods are well known, citation of standard work is sufficient. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results and discussion should be combined to avoid repetition. It must include latest/ updated information/ references on the subject and proper discussion of the finding is essentially required. Tables: Each table should be on a separate sheet at the end of the paper, numbered in the order in which it appears in the text. Table should carry a short title and be numbered in Arabic numerals. All data reported must be subjected to appropriate statistical analysis. ILLUSTRATIONS/ GRAPHS/ PHOROGRAPHS: Illustrations should be relevant to the article and referred to in the text. Line drawings should be in Indian ink or laser print, of 10 x15 cm dimension including legends and captions. Metric units of weights and measures should be used. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: If required, the acknowledgements should come after Results and Discussion. The authors need not acknowledge authorities for providing facilities for research work. REFERENCES: References should be cited in the text in the form: (Saroj and Awasthi, 2006). The term at al, should be used when there are more than two authors. The letters a, b, c, should be used following the year, to distinguish between two or more papers by the same author in one year. References at the end of the text should be arranged alphabetically and presented strictly as per the format of the journal.


The manuscript (with text and tables in one file only) is required to be submitted as per the format of the journal to our Email: progressivehorticulture@gmail.com. Separate email submission is required for each manuscript. After submission, MS number is allotted and thereafter one copy of the printed manuscript (Mentioning MS number and Date of submission to email in RED ink at first page of the paper) must be posted toDr Sanjai K. Dwivedi, Editor, Progressive Horticulture, C/o CEPTAM, DRDO Metcalfe House, Delhi-110054. No action is initiated, till hard copy of the paper is received.

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