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Instruction to Contributors

Pesticide Research Journal is an international journal published half yearly by the Society of Pesticide Science India. Authors must be members of the Society. Papers submitted will be peer reviewed. On the basis of reviewer's comments, authors will be asked by the editor to revise their papers and/or answer queries. Papers are accepted on the understanding that the work described is original and has not been published elsewhere and that the authors have obtained necessary authorization for publication of the material submitted.

Subject Matter

Articles on all aspects of pesticides and allied ag rochemical research such as chemistry and development of synthetic and natural pesticides, molecular structure-activity relationship, formulation, packaging and delivery systems, biotechnological developments, biopesticides, toxicology, bio-chemcial rhode of action, environmental chemodynamlcs including persistence, degradation and interaction with the ecosystem, safety evaluation studies, effect on non-target organisms, bioefficacy, biocontrol, resistance, environment pollution, decontamination and disposal, and quality control are considered.


Manuscript should be written in clear concise English, typewritten in double space on one side of white bond paper with at least 2.2 em margin. The research papers should not exceed 20 typed pages including tables and figures and should contain abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, acknowledgement, if necessary, and references. Short notes, not exceeding, 6 typed pages, may also be divided into different sections. The review, as far as possible, should not exceed 30 typed pages. It should feature recent developments from the author's laboratory or his own field of specialization and include results of various workers in the given field. Review article authors may contact the editor before submission of the manuscript. All articles should be submitted in triplicate. Submitted papers will be acknowledged.

Title page: The first page of the manuscript should include title, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, mailing address including E-mail of the corresponding author and a running title not exceeding 60 characters including spaces.

Abstract: A brief informative abstract should follow on the second page of the manuscript. It should clearly bring out the scope of the work and its salient features. It should be single paragraph of not more than 150 words.

Key words: The abstract should be followed by key words, which can be included in various indexes.

Introduction: It should be brief, crisp and introduce the work in clear terms. Key references related to the work must be cited.

Materials and Methods: If using reporter method, it must be clearly given or cited. Any modification of the original method must be duly highlighted. This section can be subtitled for clarity. Use standard abbreviations of the various units.

Results and Discussion: This section can be subtitled for clarity. The salient results must be highlighted and discussed in relation to related works. Undue and vague claims and stretched explanations may be avoided.

Figures and Structures: All figures including structure drawings, graphs and diagrams should be drawn in preferably MS Word. If drawn in Excel, the data file may also be submitted along with drawings. Photographs must be on glossy paper. All structures must be numbered with bold roman numbers (I, II..) and their approximate position in the fext indicated. It is author's responsibility to provide suita'ble figures and drawings.

Tables: Tables should be typed on separate sheets and numbered consecutively within the text with Arabic numbers. They should bear a descriptive heading in lower case, which starts with the word "Table". Their probable place in the text be indicated.

All pesticides should be identified according to IUPAC nomenclature with full name in the text in parenthesis. The standard SI unit system should be used for all data.

References: Every text citation should be listed under reference section in numerical order at the end of the text. Conversely. all listed references must be cited in the text and numbered consecutively by a superscript numerical.

References to unpublished work, citation from abstract may be avoided. The following style of quoting references should be followed:

  1. Spencer WF (1991) Volatilization of pesticides from soil-process and measurement. Pestic Res J 3: 1-14.

  2. Rembold H, Forster Hand Czoppelt CH (1987) Structure and biological activity of azadirachtins A and B. In: Proc 3rd Int Neem Conf Nairobi 1986, pp 149-160.

  3. Adityachudhury N (1985) Investigations on some plants in search of pesticidal constituents. In: Pesticides, Crop Protection and Environment, S Walia and BS Parmar (Eds), Oxford & IBH Co Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, pp 89-98.

  4. Finney OJ (1971) Probit Analysis, 3rd Edn, Cambridge University Press, UK.

Manuscripts and communications relating to publication of papers should be addressed to:

       The Editor, Pesticide Research Journal
       Society of Pesticide Science,
       India Division of Agricultural Chemicals
       Indian Agricultural Research Institute
       New Delhi-110 012, India.
       E-mail: editorprj@yahoo.com

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