Excretion of DDT-Residues in Milk of Indian Buffaloes Bubalus bubalis (L.) Following Oral and Dermal Explosure to Technical DDT. Kapoor S.K., Kalra R.L. Department of Entomology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 141 004, India Online published on 15 December, 2011. Abstract The excretion of DDT-residues in milk of Indian buffaloes after oral and dermal exposure to technical DDT was studied. Equilibrium conditions of residue levels of DDT were attained in milk of animals fed on contaminated ration for 100 days. The transfer coefficient of technical-DDT in milk at ‘plateau’ levels showed an average value of about 12%. Half-life values for the rate of decline of DDT residues during the post-dosing period, ranged from 3 to 4 days during rapid-phase and from 5 to 24 days during slow-phase of decline. Dermal application of technical DDT also resulted in significant residues in milk. TDE analogues were the predominant compounds present in milk following oral ingestion of technical-DDT, whilst DDT analogues were present in greater quantity than the metabolites when animals were treated dermally. Top | |
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