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Instructions to Authors

Contributor ! Please submit your Manuscripts of research and theoretical articles as prescribe in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed., 2009. Such as-

  • Title- It should be brief (not more than 16 words) and should reflect the content of paper (e.g., I.V. & D.V.)

  • Abstract- (labeled, centered, not bold) It should not exceed 250 words, be double spaced. State purpose and provide overview of method, results and discussion. The full paper should not exceed the limit of 3000 words.

  • Introduction- Do not label as "introduction". Title of the paper goes at top of the page , not bold. Give brief description of the study, Review of literature and mention the Rationale.

  • Method- (labeled, centered , bold). This portion should contain the following sections-

  • Participants- (labeled,flush left,bold)- Mention total number of participants, internal characteristics and procedure of selection of participants.

  • Materials / Measures-(labeled, flush left, bold) carefully describe the tools used in the study

  • Procedure- ( labeled flush left, bold)- Mention the activities of the participants and their work -order and informed consent.

  • Results- (labeled , centered , bold)- Mention the statistical methods used, Describe the results and present the results in tabular form.

  • Discussion- (labeled, centered, bold)- Interpret the findings and place them in broader context of the literature in the area of your study.

  • Conclusion- Sum up the paper with a final concluding statement.

  • Limitations and Suggestions- State the limitations of your study and also give suggestions for future researches

  • Implications- The authors should mention the implications of their studies, showing the importance.

  • References-(labeled, centered,bold)- List the references in alphabetical order, avoid secondary sources. There must be one-to -one correspondence between the articles cited in the text and listed under references

  • Ethical norms: Please declare that ethical norms have been followed while collecting data or information

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