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Research on Crops
Year 2014, Volume-15, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN : 0972-3226
Online ISSN : 2348-7542

Table of contents

Research Paper

Cereal Crop

Effect of fertilizer management on growth and yield of fragrant fine rice varieties in rainfed condition
M. S. Islam, M. A. R. Sarkar, M. J. Alam, M. A. Kashem, M. Y. Rafii, M. A. Latif

Yield comparison between dry seeded and transplanted rice in southern China
Jing Zhang, Min Huang, JI Qiumei, XU Shihong, Dewei Chen, Guofu Deng, Ligeng Jiang

Effect of date of transplanting on yield and yield attributing characters of aromatic fine rice in rainfed condition
M. S. Islam, M. A. R. Sarkar, M. J. Alam, M. A. Kashem, M. Y. Rafii, M. A. Latif

Effect of temperature on chalkiness and related physiological and biochemical characteristics of early indica rice during grain filling
Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Qing Liu, Qiong Peng, Zhigang Huang, Bin Hong, Hesong LI, Langtao Xiao

Correlations between RVA profile properties and main qualities of indica hybrid rice
Hongmei Liu, Xinyue Zhou, Jianfeng Liu, Qingguo Xu, Yingbo Qiu, Fengfeng Fan

Reduced rates of herbicide combined with biological components for suppressing weeds in wheat fields of Moscow, Russia
Meisam Zargar, Elena N. Pakina

Effects of abscisic acid on gas exchange and water content of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under salinity
I. Safrankova, J. Krutilova, H. Simonova

Identification of a wheat–Thinopyrum intermedium substitution line as revealed by GISH, FISH, SSR and EST-SSR markers
Xiao-Jun Li, Gan Li, Xiao-Ling Jiang, Yu Sun, Su-Wei Feng, Tie-Zhu Hu, Zhen-Gang Ru, Li-Lin Zhang, Jie Song

Analysis for measuring peroxidase activity in wheat seeds
Jinhua Liao, Jiming Li, Yunfang Li, Yu Wu

Effects of regulated deficit irrigation and nitrogen rate on use of water and nitrogen in maize root-zone soil
Liu Xiaogang, Zhang Fucang, Wang Xinle, Yang Qiliang

Individual and combined contributions (per cent) of some growth and yield parameters to yield of quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) at Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria
M. M. Jaliya, M. K. Othman, A. A. Mukhtar, A. A. Muhammad, B. M. Sani

Woody Plant

Response of salt-tolerant tree species to different levels of soil salinity
Qian Yang

Dominant process and mechanism of nitrous oxide flux in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan plateau
Du Yangong, Li Yikang, Cao Guangmin

Fruit Crop

Management of bacterial leaf blight of mango through antibiotics and bio-fungicide
R. P. Basak, I. Hossain, M. A. Kashem, M. M. A. Mondal, M. Y. Rafii, M. A. Latif

Effect of antibiotics and BAU-biofungicide in controlling bacterial leaf blight of litchi
R. P. Basak, I. Hossain, M. A. Kashem, M. M. A. Mondal, M. Y. Rafii, M. A. Latif

Flowering Plant

Response of pinching and foliar application of gibberellic acid on growth and flower yield in summer African marigold
Shalini Badge, D. M. Panchbhai, V. N. Dod

Vegetable Crop

Starch wastewater effluent from an anaerobic baffled reactor as a low environmental cost biofertilizer for Shanghai cabbage cultivation
Long Ma Shuang, Sheng Jun Xu, Zhi Hui Bai, Xin Hai Wang, Run Lin Xiao, Guo Qiang Zhuang

Interaction effect of nitrogen and potassium on growth and yield of carrot
M. R. Islam, A. K. M. M. Hossain, M. A. Hakim, M. M. Hanafi, Abdul Shukor Juraimi, M. J. Islam

Assessment of genetic diversity of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) germplasm by RAPD markers
Z. Islam, M. K. Siddiqua, M. M. Hasan, M. A. Nahar, MD. Amirul Alam, S. M. Shamsuzzaman, M. M. A. Mondal, Adam B. Puteh

Differentially expressed TDFs by cDNA-AFLP in tomato infected with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
Muhanad Akash, Luma Al-Banna, Wajdy Al-Awaida, Tareq Hidmi

Antioxidant activity and total carotenoids of selected capsicum species from Tabasco, Mexico
H. Brito-Vega, A. Rodríguez-Maturino, D. González-Mendoza, O. Grimaldo-Juarez, C. Ceceña-Duran

Pulse Crop

Effects of source and sink removal on yield attributes and yield of mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]
M. S. A. Fakir, A. B. Puteh, M. A. Hossain, P. Mallik, A. S. M. S. Hossain, B. C. Saha, M. M. A. Mondal

Morpho-physiological and reproductive characters and their relationships with seed yield of mungbean mutants
M. M. A. Mondal, A. B. Puteh, M. A. Kashem, M. M. Hasan, H. El-Zeadani, B. Zulkarami

Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on damage of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Shohreh Khaghani, Shila Goldasteh, Abbas Ali Zamani, Reza Vafaei Shoushtari, Seyed Saeid Modarres Najafabadi

Oilseed Crops

Integrated nutrient management in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
A. P. Chavan, N. K. Jain, V. V. Sagvekar, Taresh Kumar

Effect of peanut and foxtail millet intercropping on crop photosynthetic response and fluorescence parameters
L. S. Feng, Z. X. Sun, C. R. Yan, M. Z. Zheng, J. M. Zheng, N. Yang, W. Bai, Y. Liu, C. Feng

Isolation of differentially expressed genes related to salt tolerance in peanut
Xiu Zhen Wang, Qi Wu, Yue Yi Tang, Hong Tao Yu, Jiancheng Zhang, Fenggao Cui, Chuan Tang Wang

Physiological responses as influenced by night freeze stress at the beginning of vegetative growth of sunflower
Václav Hejnák, Lenka Nemcová, Martin Matejovi^, Jaroslava Martinková, František Hnili^ka, Milan Skalický, Philippe Grieu

Development and applications of a set of chromosome-specific DNA markers in sesame
Yanyang Liu, Chengqi Cui, Hongxian Mei, Yongzhan Zheng

Fibre Crop

Super high yield performance of lint cotton cultivars in upstream Tarim river, Xinjiang, China
J. Tuerxun, X. Y. Li, C. Y. Tian, J. P. Guo, S. Khan, J. D. Wang, J. Y. Zheng, X. T. Ai

Influence of varied dosages of nitrogen application on the leafhopper population in Bt cotton under rainfed condition
D. Sagar, R. A. Balikai, D. P. Biradar

Influence of integrated weed management practices on weeds and yield of Bt cotton
B. D. Patel, R. B. Patel, B. T. Sheta, V. J. Patel, R. A. Patel, D. J. Parmar

Seasonal influence on cotton mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley, Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) population and correlation with weather parameters in alluvial zone, West Bengal, India
Dipak Mandal, Paramita Bhowmik, M. L. Chatterjee

Sugar Crop

Nitrogen fixation and accumulation in sugarcane under nitrogen supply
Xihui Liu, Rongzhong Yang, Huiping Ou, Hongwei Tan, Yiyun Gui, Liu Yang, Yangrui Li, Litao Yang

Narcotic Crop

Accumulation and distribution of heavy metal elements in flue-cured tobacco under field conditions
Liming Lu, Huizhan Gu, Ke Liu, Yong Chen, Dong Wang

Medicinal Plant

Nitrogen management in fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) under organic farming
D. M. Patel, G. N. Patel, J. C. Patel, S. M. Patel, J. K. Patel

Short Communication: Cereal Crop

Structural responses of vascular bundles in different maize stems to water deficit during seedling stage: a compensating development
Na Wang, Jing Liu, Yufei Zhou


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