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Aims and Scope

Range Management and Agroforesrry Journal is endeavouring to promote and disseminate the knowledge of scientific agriculture and technology for forage and rangeland production, improvement and management. The Journal encourages research papers and articles on rangelands, forages, wasteland ecosystems and agroforestry for academicians/researchers and other stakeholders including farmers. Being an unique journal, it also aims to provide a forum for discussion and deliberate on current issues of rangeland and fodder production, environment and livestock production.

The Journal publishes articles from basic and applied research areas of both cultivated and range species in all aspects such as fodder crop improvement, intensive fodder production systems, alternative fodder sources, grasslands, silvi- and horti-pasture systems, fodder trees/shrubs, seed production technology, farm mechanization, post-harvest conservation and utilization, livestock nutrient management, etc. Articles on range ecology and its conservation, environment and other emerging concerns are also considered for publication.

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