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Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

1. The Journal, Range Management and Agroforestry is published twice a year (June & December) by the Range Management Society of India (RMSI) and includes the articles contributed by the members of the RMSI.

2. The journal publishes full-length research papers/review articles/ short communications, Case studies based on new approaches in English only on the following themes.

a) Management, improvement, conservation and utilization of rangelands, pastures, forage crops and forage production systems.

b) Management of degraded / wastelands through alternate land use systems like agroforestry / dryland agriculture.

3. The paper submitted for publication in this Journal must not carry material already published.

4. The pagination limit for articles is 12 printed pages including tables. The manuscript should be typed with double spacing and wide left hand margin. The TITLE should be short, specific and it should reflect the nature and content of the article. A SHORT TITLE of not exceeding 30 letters should also be provided for running headlines. A TITLE PAGE should be provided. It should contain title, short-title, Full name of authors, name, address, telephone, email, fax of corresponding author, affiliation present address (if applicable).

5. The ABSTRACT should be limited to 100 words and should contain a very brief account of the materials, methods and salient findings. Five to eight KEYWORDS should be given below the abstract. The INTRODUCTION part should highlight the problem and the relevance and aim of the study. The MATERIALS AND METHODS should include experimental design and the techniques used. The statistical methods used should be clearly indicated. The RESULT AND DISCUSSION may be combined. Self-explanatory tables should be typed on separate sheets with appropriate titles. In no case, the same data should be presented through both tables and graphics. The data should be so arranged that the tables would fit in the normal layout of the page. All weights and measurements must be in metrics units.

6. Short communications should not contain headings except acknowledgement and references.

7. should be submitted. The graphics / figures should be drawn on computer using MS Excel 6.0 or above. Authors may also submit manuscript online at the editor.rmsi15@gmail.com


8. Author's name followed by year of reference e.g. Singh (2003) or (Singh, 2003).

If citation is for two or more works published during the same year, identify by a lower case like ?a?, ?b? etc. e.g. (Singh, 2003a, b).

For more than two authors, only the first author's name should be mentioned followed by et al., e.g. (Singh et al., 2003).

For two authors, add and in between author's name e.g. (Singh and Singh, 2003).


9. References should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order.

Unpublished articles:

Articles in preparation or unpublished observations should not be included in the reference list but may be mentioned in the article text (e.g. Singh, pers. commun.).

Books by authors:

Bredero, T. J. 1991. Water Management Research. Oxford & IBH Pub. Co., New Delhi.

Articles in edited books:

Tran, V. N. and A. K. Cavangh. 1984. Structural aspects of dormancy. In: D. R. Murray (ed). Seed Physiology, vol. 2. Germination and Reserve Mobilization, Academic Press. Sydney. pp. 1-44.

Reference to articles in conference proceedings:

Kostanah, L. D., S. D. Upadhyay and M. K. Awasthi. 2000. Guava based agroforestry system for rainfed agro ecosystem. In: Proc. International Conference on Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Agricultural Production in the 21st Century (Feb. 14-18, 2000), New Delhi.

References to articles in periodicals:

Chaturvedi, O. P. and D. K. Das. 2002. Effect of bund trees on soil fertility and yield of crops. Range Management and Agroforestry 23: 90-94.


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For the mutual benefit and protection of Authors and Publishers it is necessary that Authors provide formal written CONSENT TO PUBLISH and TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT before publication of the Work. The signed CONSENT ensures that the Publisher has the Author's permission to publish the relevant work. The signed TRANSFER entititles the Publisher on behalf of the Author to protect the Work against unauthorized use and to authorize dissemination of the Work by means of off prints, legitimate photocopies, microform editions, reprints, translations and secondary informationsources such as abstracting and indexing services including databases. The Publisher hereby requests the Author to complete and return this form promptly to the Editorial Office of the Journal so as to ensure the proper conduct of business.

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