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Aim and Scope

The TNNMC Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing is the official Journal of the Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council. The journal aims to provide a medium for the publication of articles in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology. Authors will benefit from the peer-review through various fields of representative from obstetrics and Gynecology. The journal is released biannually, with ISSN no is 2322-0260 (print version) and eISSN; 2456-7027.

The broad aim is to provide a medium for the publication of articles in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. The Journal will give publication priority to original research articles over review articles. Journal Manuscripts are peer reviewed by at least two referees and/or Associate Editors are expert in the field of the submitted paper.

This journal maintains high standards of copy, editing and production, rapid publication, etc. The other aims of the journal are to publish recent research articles. Display of review articles, Innovative and topical research that addresses screening, diagnosis, management and care in women's health, Updating the pharmaco therapeutics in the management of obstetric conditions, Address the women-related health problem and their solutions in different regions from all over the world, Display the concepts as Visual at a Glance, Present the mnemonics in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Areas within the scope of the Journal but not limited to are: Disorders in Reproductive tract, Advancement in obstetric and Gynecological surgery, Current trends in obstetrics and gynecology, Recent research in obstetrics and gynecology, Menstrual Disorders, Postmenopausal syndrome, High risk pregnancy disorders, Complications in intranatal period, Systemic disorders in pre and post pregnancy, Reproductive Reconstructive Surgeries, Recent techniques of diagnostic modalities in obstetrics and Gynecology, Community approach in care of women and perinatal care, Preventive obstetrics and Gynecology, Research evidences in all areas of obstetrics and Gynecology.

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