Asian Journal Of Multidimensional Research
Trans Asian Research Journals
Print ISSN:
Online ISSN: 2278-4853
Number of issues per year: 12
Print frequency: Monthly
Month(s) of publication: January-December
Description: The vision of the journals is to provide an academic platform to scholars all over the world to publish their novel, original, empirical and high quality research work. It propose to encourage research relating to latest trends and practices in international business, finance, banking, service marketing, human resource management, corporate governance, social responsibility and emerging paradigms in allied areas of management. It intends to reach the researcher's with plethora of knowledge to generate a pool of research content and propose problem solving models to address the current and emerging issues at the national and international level. Further, it aims to share and disseminate the empirical research findings with academia, industry, policy makers, and consultants with an approach to incorporate the research recommendations for the benefit of one and all.
Indexed/Abstracted with - Scientific Journal Impact Factor(SJIF 2021: 7.699), Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, Summon(ProQuest), Primo and Primo Central, I2OR, ESJI, IIJIF, DRJI, Indian Science and ISRA-JIF.
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