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Journal Of Biotechnology And Crop Science

Publisher: The Society Of Crop Scientist And Biotechnologist
Print ISSN: 2349-9885
Online ISSN: 2582-5089
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December

Journal of Biotechnology and Crop Science (JBCS) is a peer-reviewed Journal. It covers all related subjects in a wide range of sciences, such as the ecological and physiological aspects of crop production, genetics, plant breeding, and biotechnological approaches for crop improvement in modern technology. It publishes original research papers in Crop science, including Crop Physiology, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Biochemistry, Biology, and Soil Science of all cultivated crops. The JBCS also publishes research articles on the production science of field crops and resource plants, including cropping systems, sustainable agriculture, environmental change, post-harvest management, biodiversity, crop improvement, and recent advances in physiology and molecular biology. The primary criteria for publication need not only to meet the specific interests of Crop Scientists and Bio-technologists but also to satisfy the population of this journal who are engaging in the development and marketing of the seed industry. There is no processing charge for publication

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