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Academic Discourse
Year : 2013, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 42) Last page : ( 48)
Print ISSN : 2278-3296. Online ISSN : 2349-4441.

Importance of Yoga in Physical Education and Sports

Dr. Phor Rajesh Kumar

Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Online published on 27 June, 2014.


Yoga helps a sports person to feel and understand the body processes more accurately, thereby learning what the body needs. By understanding this an athlete can work on areas that need attention with confidence. Yoga is useful for all types of sports to help prevent injuries. One gets extra agility which helps to avoid damage, provides more strength and improves a player's ability to react to a situation. In competitions – players/athletes at all ability levels tend to have a fear of losing of other competitors or of developing mental deterrents to excellent performance. Yoga trains us to be our best every single moment to hold ourselves at our highest standard and to go beyond our pre conceived limitations. Yoga is a psycho-somatic-spiritual discipline for achieving union & harmony between our mind, body and soul and the ultimate union of our individual consciousness with the Universal consciousness. This article will highlight the importance of yoga in the field of physical education and sports.



Yoga, Physical Education & Sports.


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