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Year 2024, Volume-13, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN: 2320-1193
Online ISSN: 2394-448X

Table of Contents

Sorghum Nutrient Management for Maximum Forage and Milk Production- A Review
Rajan Bhatt, Kanwarpal Singh Dhillon, Raminder Kaur, Astha and Bikramjit Singh

In situ Detection and Investigation of the Ultrastructural Modiflcations of Phytoplasma Infection on Daffodil (Narcissus tazetta) Using a Combined Microscopy Approaches
Kayhan Derecik, Kadir Boztas, Mine Ulusoy, Kadriye Caglayan and Isil Tulum

A Comprehensive Analysis of Yield and Its Contributing Character in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Reveals Genetic Variability and Diversity
Than Singh Gautam, Ravi Singh Thapa and Dharmendra Pratap

Exploring Antioxidant Capacities of Phenolic Compounds in Diverse Pepper Accessions Under Meloidogyne incognita Nematode Infestation
A.S Paiko, L.Y. Bello, M.T. Salaudeen and A. C. Wada

Agronomic Performance of Elite Early Sugarcane Genotypes for Yield and Quality Traits in North Central Zone
Satendra Kumar, S.C. Singh and S.K. Shukla

Assessment of Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Bread Wheat (T. aestivum L.) for Yield and Its Related Characters
Ravi Singh Thapa, Vijay Kumar, Harish Kumar, Jyoti, A.K. Maurya, Gagan Kumar and Dharmendra Pratap

Damage and Non-Chemical Control of Rose Plume Moth in Kerman, Iran
Hadi Zohdi and Marjan Bemani

Survey and Molecular Identification of Yellow Mosaic Virus (YMV) Of Blackgram in Tamil Nadu
Pannerselvam Ahiladevi, Esakimuthu Rajeswari, Lasar Gnanasing Jesumaharaja, Mahalingam Gunasekaran and Datchinamorthy Sassikumar

De Novo Transcriptome Assembly, Annotation and SSR Mining Data of Helicoverpa armigera
Malyaj R Prajapati, Pankaj Kumar, Jitender Singh, Rajendra Singh, Mahesh Kumar Bharti and L. K. Gangwar

The Difficulties and Developments around Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the Modern Era
Anuj Kumar, Ravi Singh Thapa, Sanjay Yadav, Sweety and Dharmendra Pratap

Sustainable Management of Red Rot in Sugarcane through Intercropping and its Impact on Cane Parameters
Priya Singh, Md. Minnatullah and Aaradhana

Hormonal Manipulation for Rapid Micropropagation of a New Sugarcane Variety CoS 17231
Yukti Gupta, Archana, S. Malhotra and A.K. Tiwari

Characterization, Genetic Diversity, Heritability and Genetic Advances in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes
Ravi Singh Thapa, Anuj Kumar, Ankit Kumar, Than Singh Gautam and Dharmendra Pratap

Comparative Analysis of Impact of Biofertilizers on the Yield of Solanum tuberosum
Keshav Shukla, Adarsh Pandey, Bharti Chauhan, Mohit Kumar Gupta and Mumtaz Hussain

Molecular Identification and Characterization of Hollyhock yellow vein virus Associated with Yellow Vein Net & Leaf Curl Disease in Alcea striata L. from Central India
Sunil Kumar Snehi, Ram Prasad Kushvaha, Shailendra Singh Parihar and Bhoopendra Jain

Effect of Various Mechanical Ploughing and Planting Approaches on Agronomic and Yield Attributes of Paddy (Oryza sativa L.)
Er. Md. Shamshad Ansari, Er. Manoj Joshi, Binod Yadav and Bishnu Yadav

Thupi-Khejur Chari: A Double-Seeded Variety of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Sumanta Prasad Chand and Bharat Chandra Saha


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