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Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Year 2024, Volume-14, Issue-2 (April-June)
Print ISSN : 2231-5683
Online ISSN : 2231-5691

Table of contents RSS Feed

Research Articles

A study on comprehensive geriatric assessment in tertiary care teaching hospital
Shiv Kumar, Amrutha Reddy, Gregori K Saj

Formulation and evaluation of taste masked chewable tablet containing curcumin, acetaminophen, and ascorbic acid to treat sore throat
Dharmik Patel, Malay Chotaliya, Pratik Vediya

Formulation and characterization of colon targeted mesalamine pellets
Avijeet J. Zalte, Rajendra K. Surawase

Preparation, evaluation and comparison of marketed formulation of bottle gourd churna of plant (Lagenaria siceraria)
Achal H. Yelne, Yashwant G. Jadhav

Computational molecular docking analysis of six nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds from a chemical database: Exploring their potential as anti-alzheimer's agents and validation through redocking studies
Thomas Kurian

Assessment of medication errors of drugs in emergency department of a tertiary care teaching hospital
Shiv Kumar, Santanu Mal, Alfred Manoj

Formulation and evaluation of antimicrobial gels using essential oils
Vaishali Kulkarni, Nayana Jain, Rutuja Shinde, Swarda Kamble

Design and characterisation of gentamicin floating microspheres as potential drug carrier for the treatment of intra-abdominal infection
Suryakant Verma, Pranjal Kumar Singh, Jonee Panwar, Vikesh Kumar Shukla, T. S. Easwari

Anthocynin: A potent antioxident from grapes in treatment of glucose-induced cataract
Komal D. Pol, Prashant P. Thawal, Pradnya N. Jagtap, Shweta S. Bobade, Vaishnavi P. More, Ankita M. Kadam, Pratibha P. Deshmukh, Ashwini M. Kunjir

Review Articles

Review paper on models for CNS stimulant drug screening
Komal D. Pol, Pradnya N. Jagtap, Vishakha Vikas Jagatap, Shweta S. Bobade, Vaishnavi P. More, Ankita M. Kadam, Pratibha Deshmukh, Ashwini Kunjir

Exploring aquasomes: A promising frontier in nanotechnology-based drug delivery
Prakash Nathaniel Kumar Sarella, Srujala Vegi, Veera Kumari Vendi, Anil Kumar Vipparthi, Surekha Valluri

Screening and validation of natural products for drug discovery: Key points and approaches
Neha Singh, Kirti Zalma, Melica Khatri, Paul Ven, Arjun Singh

A review on nutritional powerhouse, exploring the health benefits of rice bran
Balaprasad P. Borade, Kishore C. Badgujar, Kalpeshkumar Wagh, Kalpesh More, Amol R. Pawar

Pharmacovigilance: Past, present and future
Vikas P. Londhe, Rahul Chanshetti, S.N. Dhole

Understanding the pharmacological mechanisms of anticancer resistance: A multifaceted challenge in cancer treatment
Melica Khatri, Sonam Dhar, Paul Ven, Arjun Singh

Research Article

Two steps non-enzymatic synthesis of molnupiravir, which is free from mutagenic impurity and analytical method development for estimation of genotoxic impurity (Hydroxylamine hydrochloride content) by using RP-HPLC technique
Sunandana Akkala, Govinda Gopalakrishna Kilaru, Gopi Bandreddy, Suman Baindla Madhusudhan Gutta


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