Human Rights in Ancient Indian Thought Aggarwal Parul Assistant Professor, Khalsa College of Education, Amritsar, India Online published on 11 April, 2018. Abstract Human right as a word was not framed by ancient Indians but the content of current human rights was included in the ancient Indian education pattern in gurukulas and ashramas. Ancient India recognized the supreme value of moral education in human life. The ancient thinkers felt that a healthy society was not possible without morally educated individuals. They framed an educational scheme carefully and wisely aiming at the harmonious development of the mind and body. Moral education bound the students and those becoming the adult to run their life according to rules framed and provided by the gurukulas, ashramas and societies. Top Keywords Ancient India, Dharma, Gurukulas and Ashramas, Human Rights, Moral Education, Thoughts. Top | |
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