Studies on conjunctive use of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Ahmad Intjar***, Shahid Mohammad*, Singh Bharat, Anaytullah* Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (UP) 208 002, India. ** Corresponding Author.
* Present address: Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistrty, Inatt. Ag. Sc., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (UP) 221 005. Abstract A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2001–02 with various treatment combinations including T1 - Control (N0 P0 K0), T2 - Fertilizer NPK (120:60:60 Kg ha−1), T3 - ½ Fertilizer NPK + ½ Ganga carbonic khad, T4 - ¾ Fertilizer NPK + ¼ Ganga carbonic khad, T5 – N (120 Kg ha−1) through Nimco + PK, T6 - Fertilizer NPK + Bhu-amrit, T7 - N (120 Kg ha−1) through Nimco + Bhu-amrit + PK, T8 - ½ Fertilizer NPK + Bhu-amrit, T9 - ½ Fertilizer NPK + ¼ N through Nimco + ¼ Bhu-amrit, T10 - ½ Fertilizer NPK + ¼ Ganga carbonic khad + ¼ Bhu-amrit. Combined application of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers increased the plant growth, number of tillers plant−1, grain and straw yield over the control. The highest grain and straw yield of rabi wheat was obtained in T7 to the extent of 44.90 and 69.56 q ha−1 respectively. Top |