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Year : 2023, Volume : 68, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1947) Last page : ( 1956)
Print ISSN : 0424-2513. Online ISSN : 0976-4666. Published online : 2023 December 15.
Article DOI : 10.46852/0424-2513.4.2023.6

Examining the impact of the Hundi system on the economy of Bangladesh: Evidence from the northern area of the country

Sarkar Prosannajid*, Rahman Habibur

Dr. Wazed International Research and Training Institute, Begum Rokeya UniversityRangpur, Bangladesh

*Corresponding author: drpsarkarwri@gmail.com (ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0082-6382)

Online published on 15 July, 2024.

Received:  15  August,  2023; :  01  November,  2023; Accepted:  25  November,  2023.


Bangladeshi law forbids the use of the informal remittance system known as “hundi” It is not supported by law. The purpose of this study is to comprehend the benefits and drawbacks of Bangladesh’s Hundi system. Data from 400 respondents in total were used to assess the survey results. The research was conducted using both a qualitative and quantitative technique. The research employed purposive and snowball sampling. Descriptive statistics revealed that three-fourth of the Hundi consumers, 40% of the Hundi business operators, and 67% of the key informant’s transacted money to India only, and the rest transacted to India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka. All the respondents transacted a huge amount of money to the above countries for the purpose of business, treatment, education and migration. The consumers provided and the business operators took commissions at a rate of 2-10 Taka for money transaction. To transact money via Hundi, majority of the respondents did not require to submit/have any document, whereas a few required to provide/have NID and mobile or bank details. The respondents brought goods/ products through Hundi, and goods/products were cosmetics, stones, Agri products, medicine, bicycle/ bike parts, electronic products, spices, cow, fish, and Sharee. Majority of the consumers felt comfortable sending money through Hundi, and majority of the respondents suggested to provide business license/ legal basis to the Hundi business. The findings and associated policy recommendations are deemed helpful to understand the impact of Hundi system on Bangladesh economy. The findings of this project would help the policy makers and planners formulate appropriate policy and programs regarding Hundi system in Bangladesh.


• The paper might provide an overview of what the hundi system is, its historical context, and how it functions.

• Since the paper specifies evidence from the northern area of Bangladesh, it may highlight regional variations or specific factors influencing the hundi system in that particular area.

• The paper may delve into the impact of the hundi system on the economy of Bangladesh. This could include its effects on formal banking, government revenue, and overall economic stability.

• The paper might present empirical evidence to support its claims, possibly using data from the northern area of Bangladesh. The methodology used for the research could be outlined.

• Given the informal nature of the hundi system, the paper may discuss challenges faced by regulators in controlling or monitoring its activities. This could include issues related to financial transparency and compliance.

• The authors may suggest policy recommendations based on their findings. This could involve proposals for regulating or formalizing certain aspects of the hundi system to mitigate potential negative economic impacts.



Hundi System, Impact, Economy, Evidence, Northern Area, Bangladesh.


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