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Year : 2023, Volume : 68, Issue : 4
First page : ( 2119) Last page : ( 2129)
Print ISSN : 0424-2513. Online ISSN : 0976-4666. Published online : 2023 December 15.
Article DOI : 10.46852/0424-2513.4.2023.22

Destination branding and the corresponding economy: A study

Alam Md Sarwar*, Biswas Nigamananda

Department of Business Administration, Aligarh Muslim University CentreMurshidabad, West Bengal, India

*Corresponding author: sarwar800@gmail.com (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0172-1999)

Online published on 15 July, 2024.

Received:  25  September,  2023; :  07  November,  2023; Accepted:  28  November,  2023.


The contemporary world is witnessing a huge contribution of the travel and tourism sector to the world economy. It remains a critical factor in creating employment opportunities at global and regional levels. The countries have identified it as a key driver for sustainable economic growth. With a promising future ahead, the nations are now making their tourism business more organized and systematic by introducing the idea of destinations. The policy makers are allocating higher budgets for developing destination’s infrastructure like transportation, hotels, heritage, information technology, cleanliness, and hygiene. The purpose is to attract potential tourists and investors. Hence, it is imperative to understand the factors that are crucial in building destination brands. In line to the these, the present study is an attempt to explore two specific areas, (I) The economic perspective of destination branding, and (II) The dimensions that could help in developing the destinations as strong brands. The present study is a qualitative study where the researchers have done systematic literature review of the related fields. Firstly, it has been found that FTAs, DTVs, FDIs, and Domestic investments are the key drivers of economic growth of a destination whereas FEEs, GDP, employment rates, number and nature of new jobs, international visitor spending, and domestic visitor spending are the important KPIs for assessing the impact of destination branding. Secondly, extensive literature search suggested that consumer-based brand equity is the key element for building destination brands. Further, some key dimensions have been identified to build strong customer-based brand equity that cannot just help in establishing strong destination brands but can also have individual impact on destination’s economy and development. These dimensions are namely destination image, destination awareness, destination brand identity, destination brand meaning, destination brand experience, destination brand value congruence, and destination loyalty.


• Destination branding may act as a global driver for creating business opportunities and investments across the world.

• A strong destination brand can have major implications on a nation’s economic development including per capita income, GDP, new jobs, and lifestyle of residents.

• Reports suggest that the tourism sector’s direct contribution to the country’s GDP has been estimated to record an annual growth rate of 7-9% between 2019 and 2030.

• In Indian context, destination branding concept has been primarily focussed on tourism sector. However, some other sectors like agriculture, food, handicraft, and culture may play a vital role when integrated with tourism.

• Strong brand value congruence can help the destinations in creating a niche market with certain values matching with those of specific visitors.

• Creating destination loyalty among the tourists may result in revisit intentions, brand advocacy, and positive word of mouth regarding the destination.



Destination branding, Destination economy, Tourism, Consumer-based destination brand equity, Destination, Tourism economy.


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