Evaluation of fertilizer doses under different planting methods of rice (Oryza sativa) in west central table land zone of Odisha Mohapatra S.1, Tripathy S.K.2,*, Mohanty A.K.3 Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Chiplima, Sambalpur, Odisha-768 025 1Senior Scientist, All-India Coordinated Research Project on Integrated Farming Systems 2Professor (Agronomy), Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station, Chiplima, Sambalpur, Odisha768 025 3Professor and Associate, Director of Research, Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station, Chiplima, Sambalpur, Odisha-768 025 *Corresponding author’s Email: santanu_kt@yahoo.co.in
Online published on 12 July, 2022. Abstract A field experiment was conducted during 2017–18 and 2018–19 at Chiplima, Sambalpur under West Central Table Land Zone of Odisha, to evaluate fertilizer doses under different planting methods in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The values of growth contributing characters like plant height, effective tillers/plant, and leaf-area index increased significantly under mechanical transplanting followed by system rice intensification (SRI) and drum seeding methods. The maximum grain yield, straw yield and benefit: cost (B: C) ratio were recorded with mechanical transplanting (6.5, 7.5 t/ha and 2.6) followed by SRI technique (6.3, 7.2 t/ha and 2.3) and were lowest with manual method of random transplanting (4.6, 5.3 t/ha and 1.8). Application of 120-60-60 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha increased the panicle length (24.8 cm), filled grains/panicle (155), grain (8 t/ha) and straw (9.2 t/ha) yield and nutrient uptake by grain (113.3, 32.5 and 116.6 kg N, P and K/ha), being higher than the values obtained under soil test based fertilizer application, i.e. 100-50-40 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha. Top Keywords Drum seeding, Fertilizer dose, Planting methods, Rice, System of Rice Intensification, Transplanter, Yield. Top |