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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year 2014, Volume-28, Issue-2 (May-August)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664
Online ISSN : 2456-8716

Table of contents

Marketing costs, margins and price spread of wheat in Banaskantha district of Gujarat state
Aman Kumar, V.M. Patel, R.R. Patel, A.B. Bindage

Marketing and post harvest losses of cauliflower in Cuttack district of Odisha
Sudhakar Tripathy, S.R. Prusty, S. Mishra

Production pattern and economics of production and marketing performances of french bean in Karnataka
M.L. Nithyashree, G.P. Reddy, P.C. Meena, N. Sivaramane

WTO and Indian Chilli export: Issues of growth, instability and competitiveness
Balaji, K.R. Paltasingh

Im pact of campco on the arecanut marketing in Kerala
N. Karunakaran

Assessment of marketed and marketable surplus of major foodgrains in Gujarat
Munish Alagh

Evaluation of price support and market intervention scheme in Rajasthan
S.S. Kalamkar, M.R. Ojha, T.B. Parihar

Growth and pattern of export of major spices from India
Rakesh Singh, Shweta Kumari, Arpita Gangwar, O.P. Singh


Book Review
K. Hanumantha Rao


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