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Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition
Year : 2014, Volume : 31, Issue : 3
First page : ( 213) Last page : ( 217)
Print ISSN : 0970-3209. Online ISSN : 2231-6744.

Nutrient Utilisation in Buffalo Bulls Fed Total Mixed Rations Supplemented with Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes

Rajamma K., Kumar D. Srinivas*, Rao E. Raghava, Nath D. Narendra

Department of Animal Nutrition, NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram-521102, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author: Email: kumardhulipalla@rediffmail.com

Online published on 11 November, 2014.


Four adult buffalo bulls (B. wt. - 361.43±29.41 kg) were randomly allotted to four dietary treatments in 4×4 Latin square design to evaluate the effect of exogenous fibrolytic enzyme (EFE) supplementation in total mixed rations (TMRs) on nutrient utilization. The animals in group T1 were fed TMR containing roughage: concentrate ratio of 60: 40 (Maize stover 60, maize grain 10.8, de-oiled rice bran 12, cottonseed cake 14, sunflower cake 2, mineral mixture 0.8 and salt 0.4 parts per 100 kg). The animals in group T2 were fed same TMR as in T1 supplemented with EFE @ 15 g/animal/day. The animals in group T3 were fed TMR-2 containing roughage to concentrate ratio of 70: 30 (Maize stover 70, maize grain 3, de-oiled rice bran 7.5, cottonseed cake 10.5, sunflower cake 8.1, mineral mixture 0.6 and salt 0.3 parts per 100 kg) and the animals in group T4 were fed the same ration as in T3 supplemented with EFE @ 15 g/animal/day. Supplementation of EFE in TMRs irrespective of roughage: concentrate ratio increased (P<0.01) the digestibility of CP, EE and CF while there was no effect on the digestibility of other nutrients. All the buffalo bulls were in positive nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus balance. Further, supplementation of EFE in TMRs also increased (P<0.01) DCP content while there was no effect on TDN content. The present study indicated improved nutrient digestibility due to EFE supplementation in TMRs irrespective of the roughage to concentrate ratio in the diet of adult bulls.



Buffalo bulls, Exogenous fibrolytic enzymes, Nutrient utilization, Total mixed rations.


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