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International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biological Sciences
Year 2022, Volume-10, Issue-1and2 (June & December)
Print ISSN: 2319-5169
Online ISSN: 2321-7111

Table of Contents

Dr. Swati Chakraborty

Research Articles

Quantitative study on cellular signaling database: Management and analysis of signaling network
Ranjit Kumar

Evaluating the effectiveness of commonly used antibiotics in Pakistan
Amna Amin Sethi, Amna Farrukh, Aena Rasheed, Eesha Adnan and Mohammad Abdullah Khan

Review Article

The role of high fiber diet in the management of Type 2 diabetes: A review on dietetic perspective
Sindhu Rani, J.A., Vishnu, S.L. and Jinu John


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