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International Journal of Fermented Foods
Year 2021, Volume-10, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN: 2319-3549
Online ISSN: 2321-712X

Table of Contents

Subrota Hati

Cereal-based Fermented Foods for Enhanced Nutritional Attributes and Better Gut Health
Sangita Ganguly, Latha Sabikhi and Ashish Kumar Singh

Functional Aspects and Potential Applications of Weissella Species in Food and Health
Sreya Unnikrishnan and Sreeja V.

Substitution of Sucrose in Lassi by Tagatose as a Sweetener
Akashamrut M. Patel, Subrota Hati, Bhavbhuti M. Mehta and K.D. Aparnathi

Technological Challenges for Future Probiotic Foods
Meekha Mary Paul, Anand N., Arun Raj and S.N. Raghavendra

β-Galactosidase: Application in Dairy and Food Industry
Rakendhu Saji and Smitha Balakrishnan


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