Some Results and Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mutation Research* Stubbe H. Institute for Research on Cultivated Plants, Gatersleben, German Democratic Republic *Lecture delivered at the Annual General Meeting of the Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding held at New Delhi on 23rd January, 1959. Summary By experimental mutation research it is possible to produce numerous and very different types in all cultivated plants, which make possible the achievement of desired breeding objectives or at least decisive progress in this direction. By certain induced changes a qualitative improvement of the cultivated plants is produced. The condition that the productivity of the original varieties should be preserved can widely be realized. In some cases even simultaneous improvements of yield are possible. The special value of the induced mutants is due to their favourable idiotypical constitution if they have been derived from appropriate original varieties. By establishing extensive collections of mutants based on productive varieties, excellent sources of valuable material for theoretical research and for breeding work can be provided. Without being compelled to employ the troublesome and protracted back-crossing procedure, by single crosses a diversity of new recombinations of characteristics can be achieved which may involve the simultaneous realization of different breeding objectives. After production and testing of valuable mutants such recombination crosses between different mutants should always follow. From our experience we are of the opinion that mutation breeding as a modern method of plant breeding has proved its justification. Increases in productivity, which are ttainable by this method, can hardly be obtained by the standard methods of plant breeding, especially in highly bred cultivated plants. Top | |
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