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Indian Journal of Horticulture
Year : 2014, Volume : 71, Issue : 4
First page : ( 560) Last page : ( 563)
Print ISSN : 0972-8538. Online ISSN : 0974-0112.

Molecular characterization of somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinase (SERK) genes from plum (Prunus salicina) and peach (Prunus persica)

Jayanthi M.*, Jerard A.1, Sherif S., Jayasankar S.

Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, 4890 Victoria Ave. N., P.O. Box 7000, Vineland Station, ON L0R 2E0, Canada

1Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod, Kerala

*Corresponding author's present address: Division of Nematology, IARI, New Delhi 110012; E-mail: jayman21@gmail.com

Online published on 2 February, 2015.


Isolation, cloning and molecular characterization of somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase genes (SERK) from plum (Prunus salicina) and peach (Prunus persica) is reported in this paper. Two SERK genes were isolated from peach and one gene was isolated from plum. SERK 1 consisted of 822 bp in Prunus persica and 828 bp in Prunus salicina. The SERK 2 primer was able to generate an 1881 bp fragment from peach and it was found to code 626 amino acids. The conserved domains of these genes were that of catalytic domain of protein kinases.



Prunus spp, SERK genes, protein kinases, gene isolation, cloning.


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