International Journal in Management & Social Science Year 2014, Volume-2, Issue-1 (January) Online ISSN : 2321-1784
Table of contents
Reasons for introducing and basic advantages of electronic banking in the modern business environmentAleksandar Lukic
Employees retention -biggest challenge for industriesDr. Garima Bhardwaj
S.E.Zs in India -New avataar of globalization an analytical perspectiveDr. D. Seethanaik
Atrocity against womenDr. Sunirmal Kar
Personality development and value education- An empirical study of their co-relationVijaya Lakshmi Mohanty
Book centered to user centered librarianshipKirti Singh
Job satisfaction of primary school teachersMrs. B. Swaroopa Rani, P. Neeraja
Event study of Tata's global growth through acquisition: Tata's takeover of CorusManika Garg, Arnav Singal, Anubhav Gupta
Individuals investors behavior: A study of commodity marketH M Rakesh
Economic valuation of irrigation water: Evidence from lower Moshi irrigation Scheme in TanzaniaAbiud January Bongole
Ethno-religious intolerance as an impediment to nation building: the Nigerian experienceMuritala Babatunde Hassan, Muhammad Bello Umar