Sources of Nematode Inoculum in White Button and Milky Mushroom Khanna Anju S.1, Chandran A.R.2, Kumar Sunil1 1Department of Entomology and Apiculture, Dr Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni Solan (HP) 173230. 2Division of Nematology, IA.R.I., New Delhi-110012. Abstract Studies on sources of nematodes inoculum showed that the most potential sources of nematode dissemination in Agaricus bisporus were wheat straw, chicken manure and spent compost often used as casing material. Since chicken manure is not used in Calocybe indica nematodes were mainly disseminated in this mushroom through other two means. Besides, FYM, loam and platform soil also acted as source of nematode inoculum. Dipteran flies hovering in the farms also disseminated nematodes from one bed/room to other in both the cases. Interestingly, sporophores of Calocybe indica were found to harbour more nematodes as compared to that of Agaricus bisporus. Top Key Words wheat straw, chicken manure, spent compost, Agaricus bisporus, Calocybe indica. Top | | |
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