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International Journal of Oral Health Sciences and Advances
Year 2013, Volume-1, Issue-1 (January-March)
Print ISSN : 2320-1576
Online ISSN : 0000-0000

Table of contents

Metastatic retinoblastoma of the mandible in a 4 year old child – A case report
Dr. Anshu Sharma, Dr. Anmol Agarwal, Dr. Sunil Chaudhary, Dr. Narendra Nath Singh

Chelitis glandularis of the lower lip – A case report
Dr. Sartaj Singh Wazir, Dr. Rahul Srivastava, Dr. Pallak Arora

Clinical management of tmd with prosthodontic approach – A case report
Dr. Lakshya Kumar, Dr. Priyanka Mall

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura – A case report
Dr. Pallak Arora, Dr. Janardhan Amarnath, Dr. Parvathi Devi, Dr. Shalini Kapoor

Bilateral ankylosis of temporomandibular joint – A case report
Dr. Vikash Ranjan, Dr. Rangoli Bhargava, Dr. Rahul Bhargava

Eagle syndrome – A case report
Dr. Rangoli Bhargava, Dr. Rahul Bhargava, Dr. Vikash Ranjan

Role of oral medicine in palliative care – A review
Dr. Akanksha Yadav, Dr. Neeta Misra, Dr. Deepak U., Dr. Shiv Kumar, Dr. Anshul Mehra, Dr. Lakshya Kumar

Conceptual facts and myths of single visit endodontics – A review
Dr. Rahul Bhargava, Dr. Rangoli Bhargava, Dr. Vikash Ranjan

Lasers a boon to the treatment of radiation and chemotherapy induced mucositis – A review
Dr Richa Singh, Dr Manoj Vengal

Different modalities of stabilizing expansion – A clinical pearl
Dr. Amit Prakash


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