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Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
Year : 1991, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 12) Last page : ( 21)
Print ISSN : 0971-8184.

Conservation of plant genetic resources - some views

Arunachalam V.

Division of Genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012.


Conservation is as vital as collection of genetic resources. How much and how best to conserve remain live problems. Conservation strategies have evaluation as one of the main components. Criteria to identify duplicates in collections still need to converge. There are chances of generation of new variability in ‘static’ collections of seed in long term storage. Collections are made continuously straining space availability in gene banks. Modern tools like molecular markers may add more to the number to be conserved. This is because collections whose phenotypic performance is very similar could be identified as distinct based on RFLP variation. This could cause a ‘load’ to the gene bank. A trade-off has then to be worked out among (a) novel genes to be conserved for their own sake (b) accessions with traits of potential use for breeding in the near future and (c) accessions with possible genetic differences as revealed by RFLP markers whose phenotypic expression is near identical in target environment. Further, in order to sustain the dynamic nature of conservation activity, serious thought should be given to conservation of germplasm complexes and populations. In this context, sampling strategies to conserve maximum with minimum number of samples also assume importance. This paper projects considered views and those arising from published work.


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