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Invertis Journal of Renewable Energy
Year 2011, Volume-1, Issue-1 (January–March)
Print ISSN : 2231-3419

Table of contents

Umesh Gautam

R.M. Mehra


Non-Conventional Energy Resources for Controlling Environmental Pollution and to Save Earth
Rajesh Kumar, R. C. Singh, Sandeep Singh, Anupriya Singh, Sneha

Replacement of Fuel Based Household Lighting with White Light Emitting Diode: Need Based Light to Save Energy
Abhai Mansingh, Ashok Mansingh

Characteristics of p-Cu2S/n-Cu2O Junction Photo-Electrode with Connection to the Solar Energy Conversion Devices
C.A.N. Fernando, D.S.U. Peries, N.T.R.N. Kumara

Optimized Phase Separation in Heterojunction Solar Cells by Controlling Drying Condition
S.B. Srivastava, A. Sharma, R. Gahlot, N. Agarwal, R. Jindal

Solution Processable D-A Small Molecules for Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells: A Review
G.D. Sharma, J.A. Mikroyannidis

Fabrication of Parallel Connected Dye-Sensitized Solar Module Using Graphite Sheet as a Counter Electrode and Platinum Nano Clusters as Catalyst
Sthitadhi Das, Suraj K. Tripathy, Ravindra S. Bhati, Sushil Gupta, Pinaki R. Samanta, Amitava Majumdar

Modeling of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
Neetu Singh, R.M. Mehra, Avinashi Kapoor


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