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International Journal Of Resilience In Fire Safety & Disasters
Year 2021, Volume-1, Issue-2 (July-December)
Print ISSN: 0000-0000
Online ISSN: 0000-0000

Table of Contents

Research Articles

Aquatic pollution
Pooja, Gyanvi, Sakshi Saini and Anisha Rai

Navigating the changing world of aviation industry with human resource planning
Subhash Kumar and Manmay Prasad

Resilience on fire safety in hospital infrastructure: A case study of electric fires in the state of Maharashtra
Swati Sabbanwar and Moreshwar Kudkilwar

How technology influenced the world war
Mukta Girdhar, Priyanka, Plaksha, Aysha Ansari and Ayushi Ukey

Understanding performance based design for smoke extraction system with modelling and simulation
Alok Gupta

Role of social media in causing and mitigating disasters
Bhavika Sachdeva, Harshita Rathee and Neha Tiwari

Gender aspect of disaster management in India
Amit Sinha, Rajlaxmi Srivastava and Ashish K. Panda


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