Indian Journal of Soil Conservation
Indian Associations of Soil & Water Conservationists
Print ISSN: 0970-3349
Online ISSN: 0976-1721
Number of issues per year: 3
Print frequency: Thrice a year
Month(s) of publication: April, August and December
Description: The Indian Journal of Soil Conservation is published thrice in a year (April, August and December) by the Indian Association of Soil and Water Conservationists. The journal is abstracted by CAB, AGRIS, INSDOC, ENVIS, SAIC, Indian Bibl. Centre and others. The objectives of the Indian Association of Soil and Water Conservationists are : ? To promote and disseminate the knowledge, practice and research in the science and technology of soil and water conservation, and ? To encourage free exchange of ideas amongst those contributing to the advancement of soil and water conservation such as Agronomists, Agrostologists, Ecologists, Foresters, Engineers, Geologists, Land Users, Soil Scientists and others by organizing symposia, lectures and publishing suitable literature.
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