Invertis Journal of Science & Technology
Year 2010, Volume-3, Issue-3 (July–September)
Print ISSN : 0973-8940 Table of contents Energy - Efficiency of MIMO Diversity Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks Syed A. Imam, Vibhav Kumar Sachan Synthesis and Characterization of Nano CdS Thin Films K.V. Dagadkher, N.B. Vaidya, J.M. Patankar, J.R. Mahajan Designing of Omnidirectional Reflectors for 1D Photonic Crystal Waveguide Applications R.S. Dubey, D.K. Gautam Periodic Orbits Generated by Lagrangian Solutions of the Restricted Three Body Problem When Both the Primaries are Triaxial Rigid Bodies Amit Mittal, Iqbal Ahmad, K.B. Bhatnagar A Classical Approach of MST Generation Based on Weightage Sanjay Kumar Pal, Samar Sen Sarma Applications of Artificial Neural Network Based Electronic Tongue in Various Field Maria Jamal, M.R. Khan, S.A. Imam Influence of Firing Temperature on Compositional and Structural Properties of TiO2 Thick Films C.G. Dighavkar, A.V. Patil, S.J. Patil, R.Y. Borse I-V Characteristics of Screen-Printed WO3-Bi2O3 Thick Films in LPG Ambient R.S. Khadayate, P.P. Patil Top |
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