Journal of Food Legumes
Year 2009, Volume-22, Issue-1 (March)
Print ISSN : 0970-6380 Table of contents Forum Use of genomic resources in improvement of Vigna species Subhojit Datta, Sanjeev Gupta Research Papers Cross-species amplification of microsatellite loci and diversity analyses in blackgram J. Souframanien, T. Gopalakrishna Genetic diversity in field bean as revealed with AFLP markers Prakash Patil, S.C. Venkatesha, T.H. Ashok, T.K.S. Gowda, M. Byre Gowda Seed protein studies on Cajanus acutifolius derived interspecific hybrids in pigeonpea L.K. Gangwar, G.C. Bajpai, S.A. Kerkhi Genetic enhancement of chickpea through induced mutagenesis J.D. Barshile, S.G. Auti, B.J. Apparao Combining ability analysis in pigeonpea Omkar Singh, M.N. Singh Non-hierarchical Euclidean cluster analysis for genetic divergence in mungbean cultivars P.K. Katiyar, G.P. Dixit, B.B. Singh, Hasmat Ali, M.K. Dubey Synergistic effect of Rhizobium, PSB and PGPR on nodulation and grain yield of mungbean R.K. Bansal Etiology and perpetuation of black root rot of chickpea in Himachal Pradesh R.P. Kaushal Bioassay for bruchid resistance in cowpea Debjyoti Sen Gupta, Indra Deo Pandey Sustaining chickpea production under varying tillage systems and fertility levels in Vertisols of Malwa Plateau S.D. Billore, O.P. Joshi, A.K. Vyas, A. Ramesh Assessment of improved production technologies of soybean on production and economic potentials in India S.D. Billore, A.K. Vyas, O.P. Joshi Short Communications Allelic relationship among genes imparting resistance to ‘KPR’ race of Phytophthora drechsleri in pigeonpea I.P. Singh, R.G. Chaudhary Heterosis and combining ability in chickpea under moisture stress conditions V. Jayalakshmi, C. Kiran Kumar Reddy, M. Satyanarayana Reddy Heterosis in relation to combining ability effects and phenotypic stability in pigeonpea D.S. Phad, I.A. Madrap, V.A. Dalvi Heterosis for yield and its components in lathyrus Vandana Kalamkar, N.H. Sable, V.S. Jayade Association and inter-relationship among yield contributing characters in mungbean G. Roopa Lavanya, Bini Toms Relative efficacy of di-ammonium phosphate and rock phosphate in combination with PSB for pigeonpea in Vertisols H.B. Kale, V.V. Goud, R.M. Wadaskar, A.N. Patil Management of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica by seed treatment with neem based products in pigeonpea Bansa Singh Performance and evaluation of summer mungbean in rice-wheat cropping system through frontline demonstrations in the irrigated ecosystem of Haryana O.P. Lathwal Obituary Obituary – 001 Top |