Journal of Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-1 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 2278-0947
Online ISSN : 2455-3506 Table of contents Editorial Prof. Dr. H. S. Saini Cloud Computing Architectures: A Retrospective Study Ramakalavathi Marapareddy, Ajay Bandi, Satya Savithri Tirumala Design of Web Services Testing Tool Girish M Tere, Bhatat T Jadhav Transition and Roaming from IPV4 to IPV6 Access Networks S.P. Venu Madhava Rao, M. Jithender Reddy Classification Accuracy with Local and Global Features using LSSVM in Shape Based Image Retrieval Anjali Goyal, Ekta Walia, Harvinder Singh Saini Speech and Speaker Recognition System using Artificial Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Model for Automatic Machine Learning Niladri Sekhar Dey, P. Ram Mohan Rao, Prof. K.L. Chugh Black Hole Detection in Adhoc Networks using Neural Networks Vydeki Dharmar, M. A. Ayisha Razeena Parveen, R.S. Bhuvaneswaran Low Power Design for Cryptographic Applications in Dual Fields Venu. Ippalapalli, Srinivasa Raju Test Case Generation for Embedded Real-Time Software with Extended UML Activity Diagram M. M. Ganeshwade, Kirti Patil, Puneet Patel Discovering Sequential Rules with Grid Environments Sandeep Singh Rawat, Dr. Lakshmi Rajamani, Dr. Naveen Kumar Android Applications-Implementation of Speech Recognition Based Voice Command S. Chethana, P.R. Savitha, Shambuling R. Doddmani Implementation of Methods to Reduce Self Interference in Multihop Wireless Networks K. Deepthi, V. Sumalatha Congestion detection in Ant Based Survivable Routing and Wavelength Allocation in WDM Networks M. Rangaswamy, P. Rajesh, M. S. Prasanthi Top |