JIMS8I International Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technology
Year 2024, Volume-12, Issue-1 (January-June)
Online ISSN : 2347-7202 Table of contents Web-based platform for real-time quality assurance of mangoes Dhishaa Srinivas, Khushi K Kotian, M Siddartha Reddy, NR Vamshi, Dr. Zafar Ali Khan DOI:10.5958/2347-7202.2024.00001.5 Methodology of intrusion detection of network layer attack for MANET Vanita Verma, Vijay Kumar Jha DOI:10.5958/2347-7202.2024.00002.1 Air, pollution prediction using machine learning Ms. Vanshika, Mr. Aditya Rawat, Dr. Sushma Malik, Dr. Anamika Rana DOI:10.5958/2347-7202.2024.00003.8 Social media integration in marketing: Strategies, challenges, and future trends Dr. Sushma Malik, Dr. Anamika Rana DOI:10.5958/2347-7202.2024.00004.4 Automated glaucoma detection through machine learning and deep learning Tanishq Negi, Apurva Vashist DOI:10.5958/2347-7202.2024.00005.0 Top |
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