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JIMS8I International Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technology
Year 2024, Volume-12, Issue-1 (January-June)
Online ISSN : 2347-7202

Table of contents

Web-based platform for real-time quality assurance of mangoes
Dhishaa Srinivas, Khushi K Kotian, M Siddartha Reddy, NR Vamshi, Dr. Zafar Ali Khan

Methodology of intrusion detection of network layer attack for MANET
Vanita Verma, Vijay Kumar Jha

Air, pollution prediction using machine learning
Ms. Vanshika, Mr. Aditya Rawat, Dr. Sushma Malik, Dr. Anamika Rana

Social media integration in marketing: Strategies, challenges, and future trends
Dr. Sushma Malik, Dr. Anamika Rana

Automated glaucoma detection through machine learning and deep learning
Tanishq Negi, Apurva Vashist


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