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Journal of Ornamental Horticulture
Year : 2023, Volume : 26, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 21) Last page : ( 28)
Print ISSN : 0972-0499. Online ISSN : 2249-880X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-880X.2023.00004.X

Effects of shading and varieties on growth, flowering and bulb production in lilium (Lilium species)

Khan Farjana N.*, Ambia K., Naznin A., Bhuiyin M.M.R., Islam M.R.

Floriculture Division, Horticultural Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh

*Corresponding author’s e-mail: farjanakhan2015@gmail.com

Online published on 13 March, 2024.


An experiment was conducted at Floriculture Research Field, Horticulture Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute during November, 2019 to May, 2020 to find out the suitable shade level for growth, flowering and bulb production for specific lilium genotypes. Among four levels of shade, Black net shade (50% light cut) produced the longest plant (65.50 cm), spike (78.50 cm) and rachis (29.31 cm), maximum number of florets/spike (5.76) and also the largest floret (17.39 cm). Regarding bulb production, Black net shade produced maximum number of bulbs/plant (1.33), the heaviest and largest bulb (28.73 g and 4.69 cm, respectively) and also the bulblets production/plant. UV poly shade (30% light cut) also showed significantly similar results with Black net shade in terms of growth, flowering, bulb and bulblet production except spike and rachis length (71.0 cm and 25.69 cm, respectively). Plants grown under Green net shade (75% light cut) and Open condition did not perform well. Considering varieties, BARI Lilium-2, a yellow color genotypes showed significantly better performances like the longest plant (68.12 cm), spike (81.82 cm), rachis (28.40 cm), the largest floret (17.60 cm) and the maximum number of bulbs/plant (1.33). But BARI Lilium1, a creamy white genotype produce significantly the maximum number of florets (5.53), the heaviest and largest bulb (28.78 g and 4.44 cm, respectively) and the highest bulblet weight/ plant (2.60 g).



Lilium flower and bulb production, Shading, Varieties.


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