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Journal of Politics & Governance

Publisher: Management Development Research Foundation (MDRF)
Print ISSN: 2278-473X
Online ISSN: 2456-8023
Number of issues per year: 4
Print frequency: Quarterly
Month(s) of publication: January, April, July and October

Journal of Politics & Governance (JPG) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal. JPG aims at inspiring and creating a body of knowledge around public discourses on issues that touch lives of people across the world and find solutions to human miseries, inequities and insecurities of contemporary times.
JPG is an evolving forum to explore the root causes and possible solutions of socio-economic dispossession, disarticulation of under-privileged and marginalized communities, alienation of minorities, environmental degradation having significant bearing on the communities, corruption in public life as well as corporate world, inequalities and injustices of all sorts, misuse of state authorities and public offices for personal gains, state atrocities against the dissidents and minorities, human rights violations, etc.
JPG encourages scholars to bring in fresh insight into the age-old civilizational and existential problems by way of empirical, conceptual and theoretical studies with an interdisciplinary tinge drawn from various academic disciplines such as anthropology, culture studies, development studies, economics, gender studies, geography, history, labour studies, law, literature, management, philosophy, political science, population studies, psychology, public administration and sociology.

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