Pesticide residues in vegetable, soil and water samples collected from some districts of Haryana Mishra Sudeep1, Singh M K1, Saini M K1, Vikash2, Alam S1, Sehrawat B S3, Thakur L K1,* 1Institute of Pesticide Formulation Technology, Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon-122016, Haryana 2Depatrment of Forensic Science, Galgotia University, Greater Noida 3Department of Horticulture, Udyan Bhawan, Panchkula-134117, Haryana *Corresponding author:
Online published on 15 June, 2019. Abstract A study was under taken during 2012–2016 to monitor the contamination, with respect to pesticide residue, of vegetable, soil and water samples collected from seven districts of Haryana. For the study, 390 samples were collected from Yamuna Nagar, Rewari, Karnal, Jhajjar, Palwal, Mewat and Narnaul districts of Haryana. Out of 390 samples, 228 vegetable, 71 soil and 91 water samples were collected to monitor pesticide residues. Chlorpyriphos, butachlor, pretilachlor, o, p-DDE, atrazine, triazophos, lambda cyhalothrin, endosulphan, p, p’-DDE, malathion, phorate, quinolphos and profenophos were commonly detected pesticides in these samples. Out of 390 samples, 102 samples (59 samples of vegetable, 31 of soil and 12 samples of water) were found contaminated with pesticides, which made respectively 25.87 per cent, 43.66 and 13 per cent of respective sample types. From the total contaminated samples, 60.78 per cent of the samples were found contaminated with chlorpyrifos; 27.45 per cent with pretilachlor and 21.57 per cent with butachlor while rest with o, p-DDE, atrazine, triazophos, lambda cyhalothrin, endosulphan, p, p-DDE, malathion, phorate, quinolphos and profenophos. Top Keywords Contamination, Haryana, Pesticide residue, Soil, Vegetable, Water. Top |