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Year : 2022, Volume : 60, Issue : 1
First page : ( 126) Last page : ( 136)
Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-2469.2022.00010.0

Information needs of members of parliament in india in the field of art and culture: A case study

Jha Poonam Parashar1, Kumar Shailendra2

1Research Scholar, DLIS, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

2Professor, DLIS, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

Online published on 24 May, 2022.


The paper presents the information needs of Members of Parliament (MP) in India in the field of art and culture in their constituencies. It also discusses the formal channels of communication to access the art and culture of a particular region or constituency. Data was collected through survey method with the help of a structured questionnaire including closed ended and open ended questions. The study results were tabulated and analysed with descriptive statistics methods like Pearson's Chi Square Testing. The findings reveal that majority of Indian MPs (92.4%) collect and are already aware of information on arts and culture in their area and interact with people through social gatherings to know the societal needs of their constituency/region. The majority of art and cultural programmes are organised at local and state level in all the regions and very few programmes are organised at national and international level. There is availability of art and cultural Centre(s) in almost all the regions of India to perform various cultural activities. It is also found that the art and cultural information is a part of course/curriculum in school, college and university education system in India. The study concludes that art and cultural information is an integral part of life in the society.



Information, Art and Culture, Members of Parliament, India, Cultural Centres, Traditional Culture.


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